Thursday, May 22, 2008

"We used to roll around on the floor, get some Chinese delivered, listen to Led Zeppelin IV, it's been a while since....."

The sun has waited until now to make an appearance today. The now being shortly before 6 in the evening and it will probably take an hour or two to write this. I often get very distracted and become lost in the vast waste land of our cyber world.
I lost a four player scrabble game online yesterday to the word toluene. By definition it is a colourless, water-insoluble, flammable liquid used as a solvent in benzoic acid and TNT. The said word was worth 66 points and I was previously leading but don't really like those 4 player games. The letters are gone too quickly and if you are player number 4 like I was, you are up against it from the beginning.
(C7H8 for those chemists, I was never fond of chemistry)
"If you wrap yourself in daffodils, I will wrap myself in pain and if you're the queen of California, baby I am the king of the rain...."
Below is most of a live performance from Counting Crows. The concert took place at Sproul Plaza on the campus of UC Berkley. It was a free and relatively secret concert. The set list covered in the video below goes like this: Have You Seen Me Lately?, Hanging Tree, Mr. Jones, Goodnight Elisabeth, All My Friends (part of), Insignificant, When I Dream Of Michelangelo (part of) and a few seconds of A Long December. Once again they can be seen playing an outdoor concert on Good Morning America (ABC) tomorrow morning, most likely between 8-9, probably 3 or 4 songs will make it to air.
"We're done lying for a living, the strange days have come and you're gone, either dead or dying......"
I suppose every day could be a strange day, if you analyzed it enough. I was bored last night as I am most nights and couldn't find a new movie to watch. So I decided to watch American Splendour again. The movie tells the story of Harvey Pekar and his comic American Splendour. A comic based on Harvey's real life and his job as a file clerk at a Cleveland Veteran's Affairs hospital. Where he would retire despite the cult following of his comic which was first published in 1976 and was acclaimed throughout the 1980's. Paul Giamatti plays Harvey and because the real Harvey is in the movie, we see how fairly close Giamatti is to the real Harvey. Pekar also gained cult status for his appearances on Late Night with David Letterman, where he was the butt of many Letterman jokes. The abuse reached a boiling point one night when Pekar went off on Letterman and the audience. I am not a fan of comic books but did enjoy this movie the first time and again last night.
Here is Pekar's appearance in 1988 after the famous swearing appearance. This one is nearly as argumentative.
This one is Dave and Harvey taking a tour of Live @ 5.
Also here is a list of my favourite movies with Paul Giamatti in them.
Cinderella Man
Saving Private Ryan
The Truman Show
Donnie Brasco
Shoot 'Em Up
The Negotiator
The Illusionist
"On a plane, somewhere over the sea, above the rain, the bottle sets me free, I turn to stone, fall back in my seat, the cuts are gone but somehow I'm still bleeding..."
Apparently there is a new American Idol; David Cook. I have never watched the show and have never had any interest to. I am not entirely sure the process is good for the music industry and despite its popularity, none of the winners have ever wowed me with their music. I think out of all the past winners only Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood seem like they have talent, not my taste though. As for Canadian Idol, out of all the winners, I only like one song by Brian Melo. Other than that neither program has brought amazing music into my life. Perhaps the general public knows something that I don't know or I know something that they don't know. Either way I could care less, I am not finding my music from a popularity contest on FOX.
I wonder what Matthew Good would have to say about American Idol, he has many opinions on various things. Some of today's lyrics and clips are from his music. Though directly below is Ramble On by Led Zeppelin, my favourite song by them. Directly below that is It's Been A While Since I Was Your Man by Mr. Good.
It's been a while since anything was anything.

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