Friday, June 6, 2008

"If I had some influence girl with the powers that be, I'd have them fire that arrow at you like they fired it right at me...."

Hot today. Plain and simple. Sun and sweat. Humidity and breeze. It is currently 29 Celsius and with the humidity, it feels like 38. Or for those in Fahrenheit countries, 84 and 100.
Last night was poker night. I didn't do so well, losing $40. A combination of bad luck and bad moves, occasionally a bad move can be made good by luck but not last night. Poker night is fun but can be dampened by stupidities and it is too bad that all it takes is for one such stupidity to ruin the night. A few examples of my loses, Ace Jack to pocket Jacks, pocket Queens to Ace Jack, hmm, and three Queens to a flush. Next week is another week.
"What we gonna do, when the money runs out, I wish that there was something left to say, where we going to find the eyes to see, the bright of day..."
The way both the American and Canadian economies are going, there are many people silently wondering what they are going to do. There are States and Provinces in both countries that are doing well and it will take both Federal governments to bring those individual successes to the whole. Certain Provinces like Ontario and States like Michigan will need to move away from manufacturing and towards service industries. This not only takes time but money and a change of attitudes.
I found it disappointing that the American media is trying to make a connection between the sub prime mortgage crisis and the foreclosure notices of a couple celebrities. By using both Ed McMahon and Evander Holyfield as examples of the foreclosure crisis hitting everyone is wrong. They are not, and not to say they weren't, hard working ordinary Americans. They were people because of their skills, a comedian of sorts beside Johnny Carson and a heavyweight boxing champion, who made millions. The fact that they can't pay their mortgages has nothing to do with the sub prime mortgage crisis. It has to do with either them being too stupid with their money or trying to live beyond their means. The only thing it has to do with the crisis is that the banks who hold their mortgages are worried and looking to get back a lot of the money they lost. So why not go after the rich. I don't blame them. If these people can't afford their homes take them from them. It isn't like they can't get a cheaper one and aren't going to end up on the streets. Therein lies the difference with ordinary hard working Americans, they most likely will end up on the street. To compare people who have accumulated millions in their lives and now can't afford their million dollar houses to people who work hard and have never made a million dollars is completely wrong.
"I've been talking drunken gibberish, falling in and out of bars, trying to find some explanation here, for the way some people are, how did it ever come so far.........."
If only we could sail away.
The following is from Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides, it is one of the books I am currently reading and slowly finishing. It is interesting and relatively enjoyable.
"I hadn't gotten old enough yet to realize that living sends a person not into the future but back into the past, to childhood and before birth, finally, to commune with the dead. You get older, you puff on the stairs, you enter the body of your father. From there it's only a quick jump to your grandparents, and then before you know it you're time-traveling. In this life we grow backwards."
I tried to do some writing and below is Pre-summer Heat.
Pre-summer Heat
Our shared moments and dreams
Might be the only convincing evidence
Arguing we are alive and not dead
Would a difference be evident
If there was no one else around
I spend more time than most silent
Reading books, listening to music and writing
Hardly able to find my own voice
When it comes time to speak up
Answering questions about my life
A failure by universal measurements
Yearning for love but unable to understand
What it really means or could potentially
Should there be a chance for me again
The past offered opportunity but not really
Being too afraid, self-absorbed and awkward
I was never fully and completely myself
Disappointment has broken my confidence
Leaving me utterly conflicted about relationships
They used to be so valued but have rusted
Beauty appeared everywhere and disappeared
I am a painter without a solid canvas
Colours attach themselves and fall from me
The end result is a bust and left for dust
This June is already hot but not happy
Our sun rises, lights, warms, lingers and sets
Everything in between is lost by my worrying
A calming influence used to surround me
I have no idea where it has gone to lately
Many people ask the same about me
The answers are not very simple at all
Removing ourselves from ourselves is impossible
Being honest can be too much for most people
Their hurt exists in secret and in hiding
Mine does not, could not and does not want to
I will bake and burn in this pre-summer heat
Before soaking under a thunderstorm of tears
Rejuvenating my passion for rain and love
You can have the sun it makes you look beautiful
All it makes me is weathered and torn
Between staying inside or finding shade.
Today's lyrics and clips are from the awesome David Gray, including Nightblindness, Sail Away and below Be Mine.
Enjoy the heat and the weekend. So much floats on the breeze but quickly passes us by.

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