Saturday, June 14, 2008

"The hurtin's on me yeah, but I will never be free, no my baby, no, no...."

The following is from A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers. "We've reached the end of pure inspiration, and are now somewhere else, something implying routine, or doing something because people expect us to do it, going somewhere each day because we went there the day before, saying things because we have said them before, and this seems like the work of a different sort of animal, contrary to our plan, and this is very very bad."
I am definitely lacking inspiration in my life especially when it comes to writing. I used to be able to write naturally and without it feeling like it was out of necessity. For the last few months, nothing seems natural and it feels like a chore. I thought the arrival of spring would bring blossoming ideas to me but it really didn't. I am sure it is more than a lack of inspiration and mostly likely something missing inside me. There isn't an inner passion or love for a lot of the things there used to be. I still read a lot but I think this is mostly just to pass the time. Writing like I said earlier is a chore. I enjoy movies but have seen too many good movies to enjoy anything but good movies. Music remains near the top of potential sources of inspiration along with nature. Sports are more background sources of entertainment, I don't play much and watching has been muted by failures and the changing nature of sports which has taken much of the fun out of the game. I guess finding inspiration is the reason I wake every day, occasionally it can be found making the day less long but mostly waking is better than the alternative.
"Anybody here see the long distance cheer for the notion, I think we missed it, anybody here see the sky weeping tears for the ocean...."
There is a new copyright law being tabled by our Conservative government. It is aimed at discouraging Internet downloads of copyrighted material. According to the new law, an ordinary Canadian citizen who downloads a song illegally could be subject to the $500 fine. As the article below explains, the law is tough to interpret and will most likely not make it through the House of Commons. I personally think all music should be available for free on the Internet and the artists would be rewarded by us attending their concerts. I think most people pay almost any price to see their favourite artist and wouldn't have anything to complain about, if the prices were higher because their music was available for free. I think as an artist, you want as many people as possible to hear your music because this means a potentially bigger fan base for concerts.
"Time goes slowly, but carries on...."
A couple news notes, Tim Russert of NBC news died suddenly at 58 of a heart attack. I liked watching Tim on Meet The Press or on other talk shows explaining American politics with passion and honesty, making it understandable to not only Americans but Canadians like me.
A daring attack on an Afghan prison has freed many Taliban soldiers and insurgents. This can't be good for the battle to control Afghanistan and it can't be good for the Canadian soldiers fighting there.
Below is an article which agrees with my opinion earlier in the week that celebrities like Ed McMahon shouldn't be used as the humanizing faces of the foreclosure crisis in the United States.
Right now it is 25, mostly sunny, midly humid and generally a nice day. Russia looks like it is going to beat Greece 1-0, deservingly as they have outplayed them most of the soccer game.
Today's clips and lyrics including Hand Me Down World, Laughing and below These Eyes are from Canadian legends The Guess Who.
Enjoy another Saturday night.

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