Monday, June 23, 2008

"Do you come, together ever with him?...."

Well today was another day of weather warnings, more reported funnel clouds, golf ball like hail in downtown Toronto. Yet, here now, in the beautiful tree inundated London, it is a beautiful sunny June night. I don't think I saw a drop of rain despite mountains of black clouds as menacing as an evil clown.
I had dinner tonight at my grandparents. Saturday was their 56th wedding anniversary and with each year their example of togetherness amazes me. Tonight we had homemade meatballs, breakfast like hash browns, a mixture of vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. For dessert we had freshly picked strawberries and watermelon. I am definitely full.
"Stones taught me to fly, love, it taught me to lie..."
The following is from Life Of Pi by Yann Martel. "Oncoming death is terrible enough, but worse still is oncoming death with time to spare, time in which all the happiness that was yours and all the happiness that might have been yours becomes clear to you. You see with utter lucidity all that you are losing. The sight brings on an oppressive sadness that no car about to hit you or water about to drown you can match."
I am enjoying the story of Pi, thus far.
I decided to try and write something yesterday. It seems like life and love are constantly on my mind lately. The constant struggle to make sense of both. The piece is called A Damien Rice Song Or A Foreign Riddle. Basically it conveys the opposite sides of love. There is the memorized and remembered lyrics of a song and there is the misunderstanding and confusion of a riddle. Also there is the complexity that is a Damien Rice song and there is the fear of a foreign language, love operates on both of these extremes.
A Damien Rice Song Or A Foreign Riddle
I usually feel out of place
Even among friends and family
I cannot easily explain why
There is a severe lack of comfort
From when I wake until I sleep
Even dreaming has become scary
Not exactly nightmares but nothingness
A swirling and expanding black hole
With absolutely no light or noise
My days are too quiet for this silence
Few voices wait to speak to me
I reciprocate by saying little myself
Existing in my mind and its illusions
Certain realities remain absolutely true
Beauty can bring lasting smiles
Though it disappears too quickly
Nature is a source of comfort for me
I will be old and still searching
Love is an inevitable part of life
They go hand in hand for awhile
Before breaking permanently apart
Finding happiness is my biggest challenge
With or without love I need it
These boring Sunday nights are trying
A smaller challenge like a puzzle
Eventually enough pieces have to fit
Allowing the picture to take shape
Putting colours in the scenery
Summer offers warmth like spring kindness
What I offer is not as easily defined
A Damien Rice song or a foreign riddle
The answer seems confusing and complicated
Though slightly possible and plausible
After learning a new language of words
Love looking and sounding different.
"So why'd you fill my sorrow with the words you've borrowed.."
Well I suppose that is enough for a Monday night. Today's clips and lyrics are naturally from Damien Rice including Cannonball, Delicate, the title lyrics are from Accidental Babies and there is a clip of it below.
It only took an hour and 3 tries to publish this. The joys of Blogger's scheduled maintenance.
By the way, lyrically Accidental Babies might be the most brutally honest song ever.
Also for fans of Amos Lee he is on the Craig Ferguson show tonight.

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