Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Haven't fallen down in a while, sitting here walking the line......"

Today I watched Kung Fu panda and thought it was a good animated movie. The perception with Jack Black as the voice of Po the panda is one of humour and only humour. This story is about more than laughs, it is about following your dreams. Po is a panda that wants to be a ninja and accidentally becomes the dragon warrior. This isn't a popular decision among the other ninjas but Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) decides to train Panda for the return of the evil Tai Lung. There are good action sequences throughout, a few very funny moments and in the end it is a feel good story. There is a link to information about the movie below.
"I'm not ready to love...."
Below is a something I wrote yesterday. An attempt to remember a dream, they are always so tough to remember.
Creating and Learning Beauty
I am learning to dream
Without needing to scream
In a mystical world of falling stars
There is a glistening golden mermaid
With light orange hair illuminating
She transforms after my wish is granted
Turning into a freckled skinned woman
Eyes sparkling like a diamond mines
Their gaze is as vast as an ocean
Light blue on the surface but darker below
I do not know where she appears from
My imagination is a barren land of past failures
Inspiration like oil is becoming more scarce
Though it may only be an illusion of reality
A bump in the road of evolution and prosperity
I have thought a million times or more
About why love eludes me so easily
There does not seem to be good reasons
Except self-hatred and an unknown fear
Needing everything but being too kind
Unable to keep up appearances long enough
Thus allowing feelings to bubble and mature
I will be watching this summer closely
Preparing myself for its memory opportunities
Fresh strawberries and fierce thunderstorms
Images captured in the reaction of human faces
The young girls who are suddenly women
Their bodies creating and learning beauty
I am trying to dream
Without having to scream
My reality might not be fascinating
An alternate world of mystical falling stars
Might be enough to preoccupy me
Until autumn returns with its colours
Offering a landscape to make love in.
Well I don't feel like blogging anymore.
Last night Toronto beat Cincinnati 14-1, it isn't going to happen tonight, it is already 5-0 for the Reds.
The clips and lyrics used today are from Rufus Wainwright including I'm Not Ready For Love and the title lyrics are from Nobody's Off The Hook, there is a clip of it below.
Nobody is really off the hook for anything.

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