Monday, February 9, 2009

"Just because I'm hurting, doesn't mean I'm hurt, doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserved, no better or worse...."

11:55 am
Dundas and Richmond
I watched the Grammy's until 10:30 last night. What I saw was mostly disappointing. I do not like U2's new single Get Your Boots On, which they opened the show with. Bono should become American and quit referring to his band as an Irish band. They are no longer an Irish band, they sing about America and actually seem obsessed with being American. Their last album All That You Can't Leave Behind showed some promise with songs like Kite, Walk On and Beautiful Day. I thought it was more of a return to what made U2 brilliant on the Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. Bono seems like he would rather be a preacher than a singer. I thought Coldplay should have played the entire version of Lost, and it would it would have sounded great following Jay-Z's great rap. Instead they jumped into a circus like and lost in the jungle version of Viva La Vida. It was nice to see the outpouring of love for Jennifer Hudson but I don't like her music. Along with her and Coldplay, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss were the big winners. I don't and don't want to understand the grammy categories, they all seem a bit repetitive. A lifetime achievement award gets a mere mention, how pathetic this seems, if you are going to give someone like Gene Autry or Dean Martin a lifetime achievement award, do it with class. They are legends and deserve a few minutes of praise, even if they are dead. Maybe everyone was too busy kissing Paul McCartney's bony old ass. I thought Radiohead was excellent like they usually are performing 15 Step from In Rainbows. A final observation about Justin Timberlake, is he no longer trying to be an actor and instead trying to be a black soul singer. Next he will be rapping on stage with Joaquin Phoenix.
"We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before long we fell in love..."
I Saw Her Standing There by Paul McCartney with Dave Grohl (Grammy's 2009)
I did enjoy Paul McCartney's performance of the Beatles classic I Saw Her Standing There with Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters on drums. It will always seem like a bit of a fraud that McCartney is able to glow in the praise of being an ex-Beatle while John remains dead.
"She's been running half her life, the crome and steel she rides collides with the very air she breathes, the air she breathes...."
Unknown Legend by Neil Young (live Germany August 2008)
Yesterday afternoon I watched Rachel Gettin Married, mostly to see Anne Hathaway's Oscar nominated performance. She is pretty good as an emotionally damaged, drained and recovering drug addict who is getting out of rehab to attend her sister's wedding. The movie is very emotionally raw, moving from family tenderness to family hatred in the middle of a conversation. I like Hathaway when she takes on serious roles, as in Havoc and this one. She manages to maintain her beauty despite the ugliness and pain of her charcter. Information about the movie is below. During the marriage vows Rachel's soon to be husband Sidney quotes and sings part of Neil Young's Unknown Legend, this of course made me smile.
I think I might actually now have 10 books on the go. This is horrible. I really need to finish some of them, instead of starting new ones. The two most recent books I have started reading are A Student of Weather by Elizabeth Hays, because Late Nights on Air was so good, and The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst.
For fans of the Von Bondies, they are music guests on Mr. Letterman's show tonight to promote their very solid album Love, Hate and Then There's You. Their next tour date following the Letterman show is here in London, Ontario February 12 at Call The Office. There might be tickets still available.
I need to get a haircut.
Lost (acoustic with Jay-Z) & Viva La Vida by Coldplay (Live Grammy's 2009)

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