Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"It's raining in Baltimore, baby, but everything else is the same..."
Raining In Baltimore by Counting Crows (Live September 1997)
I am watching the Jays playing the Orioles and it certainly looks like it will be raining in Baltimore, very soon. Too bad the game is tied at 1, was 2-1 Jays now.
It rained here early this afternoon and feels like an early autumn day. It is actually a very nice change, though the sun shining would have been nice. Cooler weather with sun would be ideal. The city of Toronto has already set a rainfall record for any June and July. We haven't got as much rain but everyday lately, it looks like it is going to.
Amalea and I went to my grandparents for dinner tonight. I ate too much, really, this time I actually ate too much. We had macaroni and cheese with tomatoes, along with a garden salad mixture. I had 2 full plates of m+c, and I had 2 bowls of salad, plus a dinner role. About half an hour later I had my tea with apple pie and ice cream. I feel like I might explode.
"The butterfly in reverse here is me..."
Butterfly In Reverse by Counting Crows
I wrote the following last night shortly after 11pm. It was only slightly influenced by Elton John's Levon, I suppose I should have used it in the blog but it is a CC day.
Left Behind Somewhere
The thunderstorm has ceased
After nearly an hour of steady rain
Jesus walks slowly beside Levon
They have just delivered their balloons
A lyrical father and son heading home
Carefully holding hands throughout New York
Each thinking of something different
Jesus wanting to be free like a balloon
Levon still feeling like a pauper’s son
Nothing can permanently be escaped
Once it has lived inside us for too long
I hold everything in but barely
What comes out, does so here
A few scatter lines of fictional fact
Deciphering an artist is impossible
All we can do is offer our interpretation
Though unsolicited words often fall
Upon deaf ears or absence minded thoughts
I have been left behind somewhere
Jesus on the streets of New York
Without a balloon to lift him free
A fingerprint above Central Park
Where Levon first read about God
Though they said he was dead
What do the papers know about truth
Was something Alvin taught his son
I think my lessons have been well learned
Through no miracle of faith or providence
They are remembered in my heart
A place of scars and scares
One day it will stop caring
Whether my mind is happy or not
Arbitrary feelings will no longer matter
I will be left to the imagination
A footnote in a poem or lyric
The creation of an artist
Unwilling to bend to critics
They so often need one or the other
Tonight there was lightning and thunder
Both occurred at the same time and place
Leaving a peaceful calm in their absence
A song to listen to and conjure
The characters necessary to write
Filling a void in my soul
I may have been left behind somewhere
But for now I am here.
Well it is now raining in Baltimore and the game is in a rain delay, at least the Jays are winning now.

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