Thursday, July 10, 2008

"It's all here for you as long as you choose to stay, it's all here for you as long as you don't fly away..."
Talking Bird by Death Cab For Cutie.
A pretty nice day today, with enough sun and with enough breeze. I was having a conversation with someone today and they got to showing me these weird animated birds. Ever since I have had birds on my mind, it didn't help that I heard Death Cab For Cutie's Talking Bird earlier. The song is really growing on me.
I suppose it had some influence on the piece of writing below, considering its title is Wounded Bird.
Wounded Bird
I have fallen from a tree
My wings would not fly
They only spread like rumours
My mother could not catch me
I heard her screams from above
The ground was hard and broke me
I am now a wounded bird
Can you come and rescue me
There is not much I can do
Without your love and presence
My wings need fixing by your hands
I saw you in a dream with caring eyes
Your soft skin was a nest to sleep on
My body needs healing and loving
Can you come and save me
The world is a lonely spinning place
From where I am lying now
Barely able to move my head
I am only a wounded bird
My songs will come back to me
They live in my heart and mind
Your voice came to me in a dream
The sweetness of it reminded me of candy
Hours of pleasure without sickness
Just a constant sugar rush of adrenaline
Can you please come and love me
I will not ask more than you can give
You might find me useful enough
For long conversations about this and that
I am a wounded bird
Nothing would fix me better than you
Rise out of your ocean of blue water
Dry off under my wings and sleep
Soon enough we will both fly
Away from pain and towards blissfulness
I cannot say it will be easy
There is much healing needed on my part
You might be in the same frame of mind
Together we can learn to live right
Without much of our current stresses
Can you please just give it some thought
I am tired of being and thinking alone
Lying here without a tree to call home.
Below are some recent Counting Crows live clips.
"Run past the heather and down to the old road..."
Omaha (live in Liverpool July 7, well almost all of the song)
"It does not bother me to say this isn't love because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love.."
Anna Begins (live in Belgium July 2)
"There are bodies on the ceiling and they are fluttering their wings..."
When I Dream Of Michelangelo (live in Liverpool July 7)
Well tonight was an impressive victory by the Blue Jays, they actually swept the Orioles but are still so far behind. Now I am watching the Seinfeld episode about the Kenny Rogers Roaster and its glowing red sign. This might just be the funniest of all their episodes. Good way to end the night.

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