Friday, July 25, 2008

"I'm counting the cars on the freeway below, lost in the music, all the foolishness of our lives..."
The Music by David Usher.
To be a leader of men you must act like one. This is what Barack Obama is trying to show on his world tour and for the most part he is doing a good job. The fact that well over 200,000 people showed up to hear him speak in Berlin Germany is remarkable. Though a lot of the people there said he did nothing to change their minds but he won a lot of hearts. Whether you like the country or not, America is still mystical for many people. Though being Canadian I am biased to thinking my country is superior, in terms of culture, kindness and quality of life. Naturally Canada is not perfect, but in my opinion there is something fundamentally wrong with how America has been run, and not all the blame rests with Bush. So it would not surprise me when November comes around, if America, elects John McCain. The man is someone to be looked up to, a hero and should be given the ultimate respect but it doesn't mean he can inspire the people. Perhaps practically speaking he would be the perfect President, but it isn't time for practicality, it is a time for hope and it is a time for optimism. The people of America have to believe in themselves again and the world has to believe in America again. This means America needs a different President, one with different skin, one with a different religion and one with a different approach. The country can't afford to remain the same, it is a time for drastic change, it is a time for the people, to look beyond their past and to their future. Of course, I can write all this with idle regard because I am not entwined within its borders. My freedom and opinions are allowed to be me because I am Canadian. And being so, I am open to a multitude of opinions, listening it seems is possible, even more so when you aren't tied to a heart beating in the past.
At least one billionaire, T. Boone Pickens, has a plan to end America's dependency on oil. It might not be possible in the time period Pickens has set out but it merits attention, if only because he has backed it with 10 Billion dollars. Sure in the end it maybe selfish and make him a richer man but at least he is speaking honestly.
What America needs is more billionaires to give up some of the money, frankly, they will never be able to spend it and I don't care how hard they worked for it. These are the people that the American government should be taxing and stealing from, to pay off their outrageous debt and fund education and health care. America made them rich and really how rich does a person need to be. Pickens plan is below along with an article about it from the New York Times.
"You look so defeated lying there in your new twin sized bed..."
Your New Twin Sized Bed by Death Cab For Cutie.
Yesterday I finished reading Hotel Du Lac by Anita Brookner, it was an okay read, another book written from the female perspective. A male can gain valuable insight reading books written by females, though it hasn't helped me much. Having finished that book I have returned to James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist, which I think I will have a really hard time finishing. Plus I have started reading another Margaret Laurence book, The Fire Dwellers, which I had lying around. The thing about older books and used bookstores, is that you can find them cheaply and gather them up and lose track of them. Such are my diversions, it is good thing they work half of the time.
I wrote the following last night.
A Master Of Conversations
To not die, is to not live
Without being able to imagine life
There would be no sunrises or sunsets
Perfectly coloured and peacefully lingered
Even in the absence of their presence
Our memories can form happy delusions
Much like they conjure unhappy occasions
The birthday’s without much celebration
A final goodbye lacking any poignancy
Nothing but a simple relief in its passing
When previously it seemed so important
Each heart beats differently as minds think
Our closeness can be a brilliant illusion
Held in place by our infinite loneliness
Shattered by the leaving of our companion
Carefully flown like a baby bird to another nest
Where it will be safer and free to love
Kindness is not enough in this life
Merely it allows you to almost touch
What can surely make you happier
The person with the deepest eyes
Blessed by being a master of conversations
Making not a minute boring or unexplored
Though knowing silence can be golden
When it is comfortable, welcomed and needed
To not speak, is to not regret
Much like speaking can be a mistake
Honestly none of us know absolutely how
Another person needs to be let go of
Should it even be possible for us
After too many hours have gone ignored
There is too much worrying in living
Being a burden once is inevitable
Avoiding the consistency of it is possible
Once we understand what we really need
There are no more flips of coins
Decisions made after a few glasses of wine
Everything does not seem random
We recognize the progression of life
The idiosyncrasies allowing it to be special
To have lived, is to have died
But in the breeze our story remains
A refreshing touch on human skin.
I like when this guy is on Letterman as one of his many characters. This time he is playing Francis Albert Lincoln.
The phrase of the day is: I don't give a flying fuck.

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