Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"And so it is, just like you said it should be, we'll both forget the breeze, most of the time...."
The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice.
A little cooler today with a very nice breeze. I got to see one of my nieces and my nephew. Noah who is four had just been to the doctor's and they think he has been having seizures, so he needs to undergo some more tests. Poor little guy.
"It's a small crime and I've got no excuse..."
9 Crimes by Damien Rice with Lisa Hannigan.
A quick comment on the recently completed G8 summit, it is irrelevant, a waste of money and I am embarrassed Canada continues to be a part of this massive waste of money. The G8 countries are never able to reach agreements with definite targets, especially on the environment and anything they tell us is just smoke coming out of their asses. Canada's Environment minister John Baird is the worst thing to happen to this country and its chances to improve its environment. Actually he is a product of Stephen Harper, so Harper is the worse. The G8 leaders spend more time having their pictures taken and shouting "Yo's" at each other rather than changing the world.
I wrote something today and it is below.
Our Magical Lives
The disappointment does not always dissipate
When a new day begins with birdsongs and sunlight
I know it should but emotional magic is not my forte
There are no wands to wave and make feelings disappear
Time is our only magician with absolute illusionary power
We are but its puppets living tied to shortening strings
The length of the world is presented to us as a child
Only to be choked away from us as we enter adulthood
Mistakes are made and friendships are formed
Some are repeated until those friendships fade
Leaving us with lessons learned and hearts broken
The real trick to our magical lives is to understand why
Once we are able to identify why we are a certain way
Life becomes a little more simple and manageable
Happiness can grow among the weeds of loneliness
The breeze can easily find us on the hottest of summer’s day
When the July sun tests our patience and our resolve
A quiet room is not a sad room but a reflective room
The disappointment can always be dealt with
Once we are able to understand its origins
None of us are complete failures but imperfect people
Such is the nature of humankind and always will be
Long after we have destroyed our planet and ourselves
There will be no magic to stop this and time will go on
Only it will go on without us like it always has
I cannot measure it and I do not think you can either
Together we must make peace with it or die with it
None of us might ever be touched by a greater force
Though we can always reach out and touch each other
Whether it is with a singular hello or a long conversation
There will always be enough time left as long as we live
For a few words to fall where they have not in a long time
Those mistakes were made and will never change
Those friendships were broken but can form again
Nothing is as it was or as it could ever have been
The simple reality is of what it is and can be
Disappointment might win its share of days
Though as long as we know where to find the breeze
We will never be burnt by things we cannot understand
In each movement of wind there is a voice being carried
Should we become better listeners its message might be heard.
I got a couple of nice emails today which is like getting real mail in the "old" days.

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