Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"We went beyond where we should have went..."
Sleep Through The Static by Jack Johnson
Below is an article from the New York Times questioning McCain and Obama's commitment to the environment. This is based on the fact that they both failed to show up for a Senate vote offering tax incentives to alternative methods of energy. In my opinion it seems nobody shows up in the Senate or the House of Commons here in Canada when it is their job to do so. It is all smoke and mirrors.
More smoke and mirrors coming from China. The revelation yesterday that the anthem singing girl was actually lip syncing because the actual singer wasn't pretty enough to appear on television. PATHETIC.
Today police there arrested and roughed up a British journalist for filming a Pro-Tibet demonstration. PATHETIC, again.
Actually the whole Olympics is PATHETIC, no offense to the athletes but they (the Olympics) went beyond where they were supposed to go. The only highlight of the games is American Michael Phelps and his record setting gold medal haul.
Canada's medal haul, zero. PATHETIC.
More smoke and mirrors coming from Russia. One day after agreeing to a ceasefire, they made further advances into Georgia today. At least, George W. Bush and the U.S. are offering to help Georgia. I wonder what will happen when Russian troops open fire on the Americans. There aren't enough American troops to fight a war in another country. This isn't pathetic, it is DANGEROUS. Putin is DANGEROUS.
I have no idea what this absolute rubbish is but it is a creation of mine. Be what it be.
Dear Old Liza, China and Absolute Rubbish
The rain came down in buckets
Until Dear old Liza washed away
Never did she return to the island
We waited by the shore but nothing
She used to dance and act like a fool
When the rain was falling around her
I guess everyone has their quirks
Things we will remember them by
On summer afternoons of blowing rain
When we cannot see beyond the window
The world has become something foreign
Wars, invasions, riots, boycotts and beheadings
All the news fit to print or televise
Before returning to Olympic coverage
The falsity that sport will change politics
Where a little girl with the voice of an angel
Cannot appear on television because she is not pretty
There are no human rights advancement in this
China is just an illusion for the world to see
The reality is something uglier and more real
Perception has become a clever rhyme for deception
We have all been fooled before and will again
Dear old Liza washed away with the rain
Leaving behind a holey and plastic bucket
No one has dared moved from its spot
Legends, curses and absolutely rubbish
Becomes hard to ignore after a while
Everyday folks surely cannot all be crazy
I watch the rain but do not need a bucket
All my gathering is done in my memory
You were beautiful and still might be
Should there be a picture for me to see
After more time has passed by and dried up
Much like the rain has on this summer afternoon
Leaving behind nothing definite but something vague.
Below are Counting Crows clips from last night in Saratoga New York. They played every song from August and Everything After in order starting at Round Here and ending with A Murder Of One. Adam said it was tribute to Isaac Hayes who died on the weekend. Too bad all the clips aren't on Youtube, but what is, is good.
Sullivan Street
Time and Time Again
Anna Begins
Perfect Blue Buildings
Mr. Jones
Round Here

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