Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Oh you delicate heart, there's deep enough wells for our tears..."
Oh You Delicate Heart by Hawksley Workman (for a friend)
We had a beautiful thunderstorm late last night and again early this morning. The one last night was nice to watch, it was very intense, hard rain, lots of lightning and thunder. I was in bed but I don't think sleeping really well when the other one came around 2AM but it sounded equally as intense.
I promised to link some happy news. Here are few "happy" news stories. (mine definitely isn't)
Okay well that really wasn't much, check out the website for yourself. There really aren't that many feel good stories out there. Perhaps we have lost the art of being happy.
"Well, that fragile happiness keeps me from forgetting that this fragile happiness keeps me afloat when I'm sinking..."
Fragile Happiness by Super Furry Animals
Maybe happiness is just fragile and needs to be appreciated more when it is abundant.
Today I finished reading The Fire-Dwellers by Margaret Laurence. It was an okay book, written almost 40 years ago and from a female perspective. My mother thought I liked John Grisham, so she gave me a book to read by him that she had borrowed from a friend of hers. I don't dislike his work, just really haven't got into it, but I will read A Painted House because it is here and it something new to read.
I wrote the following this afternoon, basically it is about how inept we all are at trying to comfort someone with a broken heart.
A summer thunderstorm came over night
Leaving this August day feeling like Autumn
The skies are overcast and it is windy
I am trying to make sense of anything
So much does not seem right or fair
We all suffer from ineptness
When trying to comfort someone
After their heart has been broken
By human nature or unintended cruelty
Perhaps this is precisely what humanity is
I do not have this answer or many
Words come but seem rather inadequate
Though they get written and read
Kindness should always be attempted
No matter how often we fail at it
Perhaps success occurs more than we know
Gratitude is a friend unable to speak
There are too many words anyway
They are constantly adding them each year
I do not think we use what we have
Different words meaning the same thing
Rarely do conversations not include slang
Worse is the language of the text messages
Love might not be dead but romance is
Buried by overpriced underwhelming gifts
I cannot wait to bury this summer
Symbolically by turning the calendar to September
A month of changing colours and new faces
Though what is here remains here
Whether for the good or the bad
Only our inner self can really know for sure
We have to know because no one else does
They are completely inept as we are
When it comes to solving heart break
Providing answers to questions out of our realm
I dreamed of an imaginary planet
With simpler creatures and simpler lives
Not utopia but as close as possible
Then I realized it was all in my head
Living is only as hard as we make it.
"When everything’s over and everything’s clear, when everyone's older and no one is here, I try to remember, a girl on a wire..."
On A Tuesday In Amsterdam Long Ago by Counting Crows
We all want something to come back or go away from us.

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