Friday, August 8, 2008

"Crazy Chester followed me and caught me in the fog..."
The Weight by The Band
I am sure there will be much made of the significance of today's date. Just another day.
Today I watched 1408, it was sort of creepy. Though I found the plot rather flawed and didn't like the ending. I am a fan of John Cusack but most of the movie is just him on screen. Few actors can hold our attention by themselves for extended periods of time, they should have used Samuel L. Jackson better because the screens between them were good. Anyway there is a link below providing information about the movie.
John Edwards gave the impression of the squeaky clean politician who had lost a son and is dealing with his wife's cancer. But like all politicians and all men he too is flawed.
"You make me think of someone wonderful but I can't place her...."
Goodnight, Goodnight by Maroon 5
This is interesting if you are a fan of Maroon 5 or Counting Crows.
Since I finished A Painted House yesterday, I had to find a new book to read today. There was this book called The Cobra Event by Richard Preston in the bottom of my closet, not sure how it got there or where it came from, but I haven't read it, so I guess I will. The following is from it.
"It is essentially impossible to completely exterminate a population with a biological weapon. On the other hand, it is quite easy to crash a population, reducing it by half or more in a few days."
Enjoy the weekend.

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