Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Oh surrender is much sweeter, when we both let it go, let the water wash our bodies clean and love wash our souls..."
Raining On Sunday by Keith Urban
It has been another day of on and off rain. Though it is rather cool, I don't think it reached 20. Right now, the sun is out and it might even be a nice sunset.
Since the weather was crappy, I watched a couple of movies. The first one was Next with Nicholas Cage, Julianne Moore and the beautiful Jessica Beil. It was okay, though not entirely believable and because Cage's character knew what was going to happen before it happened, it gave up the element of surprise. Information about the movie is below.
The second one was Married Life with the brilliant Chris Cooper, Pierce Brosnan, Patricia Clarkson and the beautiful Rachael McAdams. This movie was better and had a much more clever plot. I really enjoy Cooper's characters and his ability to fit comfortably into them. This was also a very different role for Brosnan, with no action scenes at all. Not a movie for everyone but good acting. Information about the movie follows.
I wrote this about an hour ago.
Long Sunday Afternoons
We used to read the same books
Passing them along like trays of food
Appetizers for our minds stimulation
Mutual starting points in conversations
Before they evolved into something else
During those long Sunday afternoons
Where weather was never discussed
Barely appearing on our talking menu
Too many other things took precedence
These days this would not be the case
We would discuss the rain and its abundance
The feeling that early August was late October
There could be no comfortable silences
Awkwardness would take the floor and speak
A loud preacher without a script but a pulpit
We could not get away from him quietly
I suppose this is the price of failed friendship
No wonder they are left dead by the living
The damage can be undone but not easily
Humans have become accustomed to receiving
Giving and loving back is not as familiar
So we ignore, move on and let go
Regretting everything but admitting nothing
Pocket aces broke by a pair of two’s
Sport advancing despite human rights abuse
Hypocrites out for a walk looking for money
Hoping not to find peace and harmony
I think I will be better come this September
When my mind can explore nature’s changes
Idleness has never been a problem like boredom
Certain endeavours will occupy my mind
Where our conversations used to roam freely
I paid a steep price for their freedom
You were never faced with my burdens
They own a room in my uncertain consciousness
Where they argue between friendship or nothing
There cannot be anymore blurring of the two
Next time a conversation moves beyond the weather.
I believe the recently started war in Georgia is Russia's attempt to gain back its former land and is only the first step towards gaining back all of its former land. The country knows the world and in particular the United States is stretched militarily thin and will not be able to do much about it. Vladimir Putin might not be President but as Prime Minister he is pulling the strings of the government because like all megalomaniacs he craves power. He has been and will always be a dangerous man, which makes Russia equally as dangerous and especially against a lame duck United States.

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