Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too, imagine all the people, living life in peace...."

10:40 am
At my bedroom desk
London, Ontario

Write what you must.
Last night I watched the movie version of my favourite book, Fugitive Pieces. The movie adapted by Jeremy Podeswa (The Five Senses) from the novel by Anne Michaels is beautiful but flawed. I think it is appalling to change the end of the story for the movie. Happy endings are for Hollywood blockbusters and leave your intelligence at the door movies. It is not for movies adapted from books full of beautiful poetry, heartbreaking loss and agonizing history. The fundamental point of the story is lost by changing the ending from sad to happy. There is no child, there is no happy family, there is another tragedy and a heartbreaking final scene for Ben to bear witness to. I can see why Podeswa would want to end the movie with hope but it isn't his choice, the story has already been written and it has its own ending. If you want a story with a happy ending, write it yourself. There is an article below about the changing of the ending. Other than the ending, the movie is actually very beautiful, well acted, poignant, slow moving but in perfect rhythm with what was written in the book.
"So this is Christmas........"
Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon
War will never be over. We do not want it to be. We have always liked killing each other. This is not going to change because of a song. Though in our dreams, everything could be different.
Christmas is about the kids, and until my sister's kids get here to open their presents, it won't feel like it.
We should never stop imagining though, what life would be like without all of its limitations.

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