Friday, September 26, 2008

"I've been up all night, I might sleep all day. Get your dreams just right and let them slip away......"
Up All Night by Counting Crows
This is my life working midnights. I tried to stay up all day today after finishing work this morning at seven. I only made it until 3:30 and slept until 7:30, now I feel crappy and cranky. So I suppose watching the Knights game is more than enough effort for me. I did get some shopping done this morning and will at least feel normal tomorrow. Assuming I do sleep regular hours.
When you enter into a new work environment, you inevitably meet a variety of new characters. I find it funny how the stupid people who presently work there assume you are as stupid as they are. Even funnier is when you know you aren't but they don't.
I guess since I am a geek, I decided to switch over to the American Presidential debate. How long that will last, who knows. I suppose this depends on how interesting McCain and Obama are.
Also, if you didn't see Letterman's rant on McCain after he cancelled a scheduled interview on his show only to appear live on the CBS evening news, it is funny and classic Letterman. The clip and its rant are below.
Below is a piece of writing, I knitted this morning.
A Raggedly Knitted Quilt
The early morning is carefully unfolding before me
A raggedly knitted quilt composed of scrap material
Various early autumn colours arrive and quickly exit
The sun was a blotched ball of red rising in the east
Now it is a yellow haired girl ascending a rollercoaster
Her hands are white clouds waving to the people below
The growing number beginning their day and its ways
I am a creature of the night and its own dark blanket
Falling asleep as an Indian summer starts to emerge
The hours of light are pleasant, happy and slowly fading
Much like kindness can do when it becomes misplaced
Never intentionally but occasionally and accidentally
Love among strangers born from an unknown source
A common loneliness, a momentary need or simple fate
Should anyone believe in anything but randomness
The soon to be falling leaves scattering on the wind
Their destination hardly seems like it is predetermined
Only mother nature and her mysterious ways know
A knowledge greater than our humanity would ever allow
We think we know too much already but really do not
Life teaches each and everyone of us how stupid we are
With each of its passing days and many repetitive lessons
Eventually our stubbornness gives way to an acceptance
We must learn to love ourselves before love locates us
I am not sure whether I will ever make it to this point
The destination is thirty years in the making and breaking
Bones, skin, inanimate objects, dreams, friends and hearts
Regrets unwilling to completely leave my stomach healthy
A sickness remains when the memory of a friend resurfaces
Bringing with it the usual ponderings of where friendship goes
When there is a lack of communication and passage of time
I am not sure about this either but surely it is a flaw in me
The quilt has turned blue but not as dark as it used to be
A lightness lives inside its hue and gives me some hope
Come October or later there will be more reasons to smile
Sporadic addition in my case has to be better than subtraction
I feel like I have lost too much for someone who has so little
Though what has been lost could never really be explained
Like the morning becoming afternoon it just sort of happens
There is a moment on a clock or a fragment in the sky
Nothing more and a lot less depending on our interpretation.
Enjoy the last weekend of September.

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