Saturday, September 20, 2008

"The good old days, the honest man; the restless heart, the Promised land, a subtle kiss that no one sees; a broken wrist and a big trapeze......."
Read My Mind by The Killers (Live)
Summer is nearly over. Autumn waits like an eager thief and we are its lucky victims.
Today was probably as close to a perfect weather day for the end of summer. The temperature was in the low twenties, barely any clouds and a slight breeze. I had dinner with my grandparents and now I am trying to relax sipping tea at Williams. I say trying because it is fairly busy due to the free concerts across the way in Victoria Park. All the emo kids are making good us of the washroom facilities here.
Really it is just another busy Saturday night in this city like it is in any city. A collection of people converging to destinations of fun or in my case relaxation.
This week I started a new job working midnights and my internal clock is slightly screwed up. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to adjust allowing me to enjoy the late part of the day and early evening. Instead of feeling like I need to or should be sleeping. Also I still hope to blog 4 or 5 times a week but perhaps not right away.
"Time fades into the night, they descend and then they climb, feathers falling through the night, Have you seen Ohio rise? It has been four days and nights..."
Four Days by Counting Crows (Live)
I wrote the following 2 poems since my last blog entry. Naturally they explore the end of summer and the coming of autumn. I really enjoy the autumn, especially if it is going to be close to twenty most of the days like this coming week is.
Towards A Better Season
A stark naked full moon
Hangs in the morning sky
Exposed by its whiteness
Contrasted against a blueness
The perfect end to summer
Comes with every new step
I take towards a better season
One with colour and happiness
A rarity for me way too often
These days things seem clearer
Not 20/20 vision but much closer
Clarifying our lives is never easy
I have always struggled doing this
The poems have piled up as a result
Allowing love to elude my complexities
Unequal parts of me and not anyone else
Blame for this is strictly mine alone
Hearts cannot feel what does not exist
They can substitute kindness and friendship
Blinding those of us looking for more
Until we have made a mess of everything
Leaving us in a state of loneliness and regret
Before we let hatred creep in like a shadow
Darkening our perspective about people
Their choices and how they are living life
Avoiding looking closer at our own lives
How we let the years pass without progress
Believing we are owed more than we deserve
When in reality we have been given it all
The freedom of being able to find happiness
How precious is this ability and its pleasures
Should we give ourselves a chance to find it
Before the moon becomes too pale and cold
After autumn is but a memory of foliage
Love cannot be found during winter’s hibernation
These are the changing days of its formation
I am quietly inspired by my better vision
The sights and sounds are much more pleasant
An observation not made enough by me.
Summer Has Left But Has It Left Anything Behind
Finely manicured lawns and their gardens
Will soon become trash collectors for leaves
As autumn’s wind begins to blow across them
The last sunset of this summer is now gone
Creating a pink and orange hued memory
I observed it like a painter without his brush
My usually distant green eyes acting as hands
Sculpting the moment until it was perfection
Only to be flawed by my mind’s interpretation
Words are not pictures and eyes are not brushes
Summer has left but has it left anything behind
There is very little worth saving from its passing
I am an absentee walking among the present
Barely noticed by those who are no longer missing
They have found life and its various enjoyments
Contained in each and everyday of its quick passage
Battling through disappointment, regret and love
Until overcoming anything is completely possible
I get dragged down by the meaning of everything
Moments are not lost on me but they are not shared
My intelligence and personality are selfish creatures
Choosing individualism over society’s collectiveness
A treasure is nothing if it is not seen and spent
Expanding its reach and hopefully its final wealth
The number of grateful people attending our funeral
A final goodbye measured only by kindly spoken words
Teary eyed friends, acquaintances, strangers and family
People who our presence has made their existence better
The way they have in our lives or have at least tried
Trying is often enough should it be administered honestly
Happiness can be faked but not long enough for everyone
Certain people are able to see through our demeanour
Despite constant reassurances, denials and half truths
They just know otherwise and we are vulnerable to them
A weakness which does not leave us any more powerless
Being able to talk about life’s problems gives us freedom
Communication when used right is extremely strengthening
Knowing we are not alone in our plight against desolation
Should be of some comfort to us when we shut our eyes
Watching summer’s last moon light up its last evening
A disappointing sight when contrasted against its sunset
I suppose not every sky can be so beautifully coloured
The word appreciation comes to mind and so it stays
When pondering past, present and future friendships
Lessons are actually learned with age and circumstances
Knowledge is a wonderful thing but only in its application
Summer can be inspirational but only in its expiration
Unfortunately this is the way with many aspects of life
Everyone is late in appreciating but we are never too late.

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